
Gecko Wii Codes
gecko wii codes

Gecko Wii Codes Code Execution Set

Condition : If (XXXX and not (MMMM))ZZZZ, codes following this are executed (else code execution set to false). If it's false, reset counter to 0. Code's Operation : If current execution status is true, increase counter by 1. ZZZZ : The code's counter.

CST1/2 : ASM Insert With 16-bit XOR Checksum. CT7 (additional) Gecko 1.8 Codes. F0000000 00000000 end of code handler It tells the code handler that there are no more codes in the code list.

It is a low level computer programming language. Code creators are familiar with PowerPC Assembly. This is specifically for PowerPC Assembly, which is what the Wii and all its games use. Guide: SSBM codes on a Softmodded Wii Gecko Codes NOTE: Most of these.Assembly: Also called Assembler Code. Most of these codes will only work on Wii using Gecko OS Mod or DIOS MIOS, or in the Dolphin emulator.

This differs for every controller, player (player 1, 2, 3, etc), and version of MKW.Controller Line: The 2833XXXX YYYYZZZZ/2834XXXX YYYYZZZZ line you see in cheat codes. It is any IOS with rewritten/modified code to hack/modify the Wii.Client-Sided: When using a code online, it only effects you.Compiler: Any program that takes a user's Assembly source and converts it to a usable Gecko cheat code.Controller Address: The XXXX value of the controller line. If a Wii suffers a brick that is Boot2 saveable but it is not a boot2-compatible Wii then the Brick is also called a full Brick.Bootmii (boot2): Hacking software that modifies the boot2 code of the WiiBootmii (IOS): Bootmii installed as an IOS, can only be reached via Priiloader or HBCCheat Code: Any amount of hexadecimal number sequences/strings that modifies MKWii RAMCIOS: Stands for Custom IOS. But HBC/Priiloader/Bootmii is still accessible for repairs.Brick (beyond semi but not full): A brick that can only be fixed via Bootmii as Boot2Brick (full): A brick where no known method can recover the Wii. Exploit uses the SD card menu at the Wii's Main Menu. Works on System Menus 4.0 - 4.2.Breakpoint: An action by USB Gecko or Dolphin to pause the game if a certain value in memory is written to and/or read from, or if a certain instruction in memory is executed.Brick (semi): Due to bad mod(s), the Wii is unable to boot to the System Menu. Works on System Menus 3.0- 4.1.BannerbombV2: Due to Nintendo blocking original Bannerbomb when the 4.2 was released, Comex made a Version 2 of his Bannerbomb exploit.

Z values are for the button(s) used to activate and/or deactivate. The X values are the controller address, for the controller the player is using. 2833 is for Korean MKW while 2834 is for all others.

CTGP runs on the Wiimmfi Server. The number changes every so often to prevent players from faking the use of CTGP. If custom tracks are enabled you will then have your region ID temporarily changed to a random number along with everyone else (always white line). Comes with many custom tracks. It is a HBC application that boots your official MKW Disc along with encrypted modifications done to prevent the loading of cheat codes.

0 = Japan System Menu (Japanese/Trad.Chinese aka Taiwan games). It designates what Region of Wii System Menu the disc runs on. This is the true 'Region' Code for games unlike the 'Language Code'. Contains the MAC Address of your Wii.Deactivator: For cheat codes with two controller lines, the second line (which is after the Halfway Terminator) is also known as the deactivator.Default Instruction: The original instruction of a particular address.Disc Region Code: A singular byte of code within the region.bin section of all Wii games. It is all your MKW saved progress stored in an encrypted binary file in the Wii NAND. Link to website - Data Save: Also called Save Data.

Only file type supported to load a 'list' of cheats into Wii gamesHackmii: Software supplied by an exploit to install HBC and/or Bootmii on your Wii. It's commonly called as a 'region' code.GCT: File type which contains cheat codes (plus addition hex coding). The fourth number is the 'language code'. Usually begins with 4 letters and ends with two numbers. It can also be used as a remote dubbing tool to create cheat codes.Exploit: Any software that supplies the Hackmii software for installation of HBC and/or Bootmii.Final Terminator: The final line for many cheat codes, this line is added to prevent codes from conflicting with each other.Game ID: The six character unique identifier for every Wii Game. It is software installed on a computer that emulates the Wii Console and its games.

gecko wii codes

The color settings of the line itself is stored in the StaticR.rel file.MAC Address: The specific unique hexadecimal identifier to your Wii's WiFi moduleMAC Address (LAN): MAC Address to your LAN AdapterMailbox Bomb: The original Hackmii installer exploit by manipulating your Wii Message Board. Link to Letterbomb Exploit Creator Page - Line Color: Colored line underneath a person's name on WiFi determined by one's Region ID. It is based off Giantpune's original Mailbox Bomb.

However, MMM works on System Menus 3.0 & 3.1, unlike WiiMod. It has been replaced by the much superior WiiMod. Thus, using Bannerbomb is the better choice.Multi Mod Manager (aka MMM): An early HBC app used to install WAD files to the Wii. For any menu other than 4.3, it is not recommended because it requires a lot of extra steps. Works on System Menu's 3.0 - 4.3. Exploit created by Giantpune, and it helped/inspired the creation of Letterbomb and WilBrand.

One would set the Ocarina setting to ON within a USB loader to enable cheat codes.Off/On Switch: A line of code that allows the same button(s) for use as both the activator and deactivator.PAL: ID/Name given for all Games using European TV Format. This term is also used in USB loaders in place of 'SD cheats'. Nintendo has never made a NTSC-T version of MKWii.Null: Any Hex byte that has a value of 00.Ocarina: Computer program used to create GCT files. This means these games can also run on Japanese Wiis. These game still have the Japanese Disc Region Code and run on the Japanese System Menu (which the Menu that Taiwan Wiis use). Wii Motion Plus equipped Wii Remotes do NOT work on MMM.NTSC-J: ID/Name given for all Japanese GamesNTSC-K: ID/Name given for all Korean GamesNTSC-U: ID/Name given for all American GamesNTSC-T: ID/Name given for all Taiwan/Traditional Chinese Games (only 8 official games exist).

All memory is in Hex.RAM Dump: A binary file of the MKWii's RAM.Region ID: A number stored on the MKWii data save given by an algorithm from the main.dol file of the game. Can be modified via GCT files, ISO edits, USB Gecko, and/or Dolphin Emulator. It can bypass any brick (non hardware related) as long as the system menu wasn't modified/removed as a result of said brick.RAM: MKWii's Random Access Memory. It can bypass the Wii's booting process. PowerPC is the type of Assembly Language that the Wii's CPU uses.Priiloader: Software installed via an HBC app that patches your System Menu.

gecko wii codes

Code creators use the values of these Registers to assist them in making Cheat codes.

gecko wii codes